1. When we want to assign a value of 8.3 to a variable r we do this with
r := 8.3; r = 8.3; r == 8.3;. 8.3 -> r;
2. After the assignment of question 1, which of the following lines of PASCAL will produce 8.3000
writeln(8.3000); writeln(6*r,4); writeln('%6.4f', r); writeln(r:6:4);
3. What is wrong with the following program?
VAR x: real; CONST c = 1.0;
begin x*x := 2*c; end.
A constant cannot change a value The left side of the := can only contain a (single) variable Variable x is not well defined The right side of := cannot contain constants
4. What is wrong with the following program?
VAR x: real; CONST c = 2.0;
begin c := 2*x*c + 1; end.
A constant cannot change a value The right side of the := can only contain a (single) variable The equation does not have a solution Constants must be written with CAPITALS
5. What is the output of the next program
PROGRAM Variable;
VAR x: real; CONST C = 1.0;
begin x := C + 1; x := 2; x := x + 3; writeln(x:4:1); end.
7.0 5.0 3.0 1.0