Lecture 6: Assignment, scanf and calculations


In the previous lecture (aula 5) we have seen how we can define variables. Now we will take a look at how the value of a variable can be assigned a value

Giving a new value to a variable is called assignment. In C this is done with the operator

On the left side op this operator we put the variable, on the right side we put the new value or expression that will produce a value of the same type as the variable. Examples:

  a = 3.0;
  b = 3.0*a;
  c = cos(t);

wrong (assuming a is of type float):

  1.0 = a;
  a = TRUE;
  a = 1;

In reality, for C the last example was correct. C knows what we want and helps us by converting the integer 1 to the real 1.0.  In any case, it is bad practice to mix floats with ints and we'd better write: a = 1.0;

The symbol = should be distinguished from the normal mathematical symbol =. At this stage, it is interesting to make a comparison between the mathematical symbol = and the assigment symbol in programming languages (= in C). As an example take the following mathematical equation
  a = a + 1
This, as we all know, does not have a solution for a. (In comparison, another example: a = a2 - 2, has a solution, namely a = 2).
In programming languages, however, we should read the equation differently:
  a = a + 1;
  (the new value of a)     (will be)    (the old value of a)     (plus 1)
Or, in other words: first the value of a is loaded from memory, then 1 is added to it, and finally the result is put back in memory. This is fundamentally different from the mathematical equation. In most other modern languages the symbol = is used, which is confusing, especially for the beginning programmer. That is why the student is advised to pronounce the assigment symbol as 'becomes' or 'will be' instead of 'is' or 'equals'.

The symbol = should also be distinguished from the comparison symbol =. For example a=b ? Later, we will learn how to make comparisons (in the lecture on "if .. then" and "boolean algebra"), for which we will use the == symbol.
 To summarize, the = symbol is 
   NOT part of a comparison ("a is equal to b?") 
   NOT part of an equation ("a2 = 2a -1")
   it IS an assignment ("a takes the value of b")


The following shows an example of a program using assignment statements and the use of variables and constants. The right side shows the value of the variables after each line
value of a
after executing the line
value of b
after executing the line
  float a;
  float b;
  float c = 4.3;

  a = 1.0;
  b = c;
  a = a + b + c;



Formatted input: scanf

In the previous lectures we have learned how to show the results of our calculations on the screen. With printf we can make our program have output. In many cases, we would also like our program to have input. The user enters his name, or enters numbers that our program has to process. Or even more simple, we want that the users can control the program. For example, we want that the user can stop the program with a simple stroke of the escape key.
C: With scanf we can get information from the keyboard. They can read values and characters from the keyboard and directly store them into specified variables. The general form the instructions take is

scanf("format decription(s)", &var1, &var2, ...);

Note the symbol &. This means "the address of ..." We have to give the address of the variable(s) to the function scanf. As we will see later, giving the address of a variable is equal to "passing by reference" and this allows for changes of the value of the variable by the function. For the moment it suffices to say that we have to give the address of the variables in scanf. In the analogy of the boxes we could see it as giving the box to the function who then fills it with a value.

The format descriptions are the same as for the output instruction printf. For example %d for int's, etc. Note that the variables to be read do not have to be of the same type. 

As an example

  // lines starting with these // are cooment
  // always when we use input or output
  // we have to include the standard-I/O library:
  #include <stdio.h>


  // don't forget to declare the variables we will use
    int n1, n2: integer;

    printf("Please enter two numbers separated by a space\n");
    scanf("%d", &n1);
    scanf("%d", &n2);
    printf("n1 = %d  n2 = %d", n1, n2);

When run, the program will display the message 
  Please, enter two numbers separated by a space
The user is expected to type the two numbers
  128 31<return>
(note the conventions we will use in this text: things the user will enter will appear in green italics, and <return> signifies pressing the return key).
after which the program shows
  n1 = 128  n2 = 31

Operations, operators and operands

After learning how to assign values above, we can now take a look how to perform calculations with our programs. The most basic operations are adding, subtracting dividing and multiplying:

These four operators, when used for calculations, need two operands and are called binary operators. In C one is placed on the left side and one on the right side. As examples:
3 * a
* a
a + b
3 a +

These expressions will result in values that can be assigned to variables as we have seen above. As an example:

c = 3 * a;

Note again, on the left side of the assignment symbol = we have a variable and on the left side we put our expression resulting in a new value for the variable.

In C There also exists unary operators which need only one operand:

 operator   operation 
 negate (boolean algebra) 
 invert all bits of this int
 negate number
 address of ..

For example
Increases the value of i and decreases the value of k by 1 respectively. The operator can be placed before or after the operator. The difference is the moment the variable is changing value, before execution of the rest of the instruction (++i) or after (i++). For example

i = 1;
j = i++;

at the end
i is equal to 2
j is equal to 1

i = 1;
j = ++i;

at the end
i is equal to 2
j is equal to 2

The ! and ~ operators we will see later in the lecture on Boolean algebra.
The get-address operator & will be discussed in the lecture on pointers.
The unary - operator returns the negated number (floating point or integer).

Combinations of calculation and assignment.

C has thte peculiar and confusing possibility to use a calculation and assigment at the same time. For example:
   c += a;
which is equivalent to
   c = c + a;
Any binary operator can be used in this form (*=, /=, +=, -=).
This is confusing and as such should be avoided. On the other hand, it can prevent errors. For example:
  matrixelements[i+2*k-offset][n+m-f] = matrixelements[i+2*k-offset][n+m+f] + matrixelements[i+2*l+offset][n+m-f]
It is easy to make a typing mistake here. As a matter of fact, there is a mistake in there. Did you spot it?.
Simpler and more readable would be:
  matrixelements[i+2*k-offset][n+m-f] += matrixelements[i+2*l+offset][n+m-f]

Integer Math

The operators shown in the previous section are used for floating point calculations. For integer calculations (used for types like byte, word, integer, longint, etc), the division operator works a little different. Imagine the calculation of, for example, 7/3. As we have learned in primary school, this is equal to 2 with a remainder of 1 to be divided by 3:

2  + 

In C exist two operators / and % that reproduce these results. Example:

 7 / 3
7 % 3

These replace the floating-point operator /. The other three operators (*, +, -) are the same for integer numbers.


In case there is more than one operator in an expression, the normal rules of mathematics apply as to which one is evaluated first. The multiplication and division operators have higher precedence. So, when we write
   a = 1 + 3 * 2;
The result will be 7.
If we want to change the order at which the operators in the expression are evaluated, we can always place parenthesis ( and ). So, for example
  a = (1 + 3) * 2;
will result in 8. Putting parenthesis never hurts!
  a = (1 + 3) - (4 + 5);


 /* an example floating point calculation */
  double x, y, sum, diff, divis;

  printf("Give the value of the first variable x:\n");
  scanf("%f", &x);
  printf("Give the value of the second variable y:\n");
  scanf("%f", &y);
  sum = x + y;
  printf("The sum of %f and %f is %f\n", x, y, sum);
  diff = x - y;
  printf("The difference between %f and %f is %f\n", x, y, diff);
  divis = x / y;
  printf("%f divided by %f is %f\n", x, y, divis);

will produce, when running:

Give the value of the first variable x:
Give the value of the second variable y:
The sum of 3.4000 and 1.8000 is 5.2000
The difference between 3.4000 and 1.8000 is 1.6000
3.4000 divided by 1.8000 is 1.8889

 /* an example integer calculation */
 /* note the different format specifiers in printf and scanf */
  int x, y, sum, diff, divis, divr;

  printf("Give the value of the first variable x:\n");
  scanf("%d", &x);
  printf("Give the value of the second variable y:\n");
  scanf("%d", &y);
  sum = x + y;
  printf("The sum of %d and %d is %d\n", x, y, sum);
  diff = x - y;
  printf("The difference between %d and %d is %d\n", x, y, diff);
  divis = x / y;
  divr = x % y;
  printf("%d divided by %d is %d plus %d/%d\n", x, y, divis, divr, y);

will produce, when running:

Give the value of the first variable x:
Give the value of the second variable y:
The sum of 13 and 5 is 18
The difference between 13 and 5 is 8
13 divided by 5 is 2 plus 3/5

Quick test:

To test your knowledge of what you have learned in this lesson, click here for an on-line test. Note that this is NOT the form the final test takes!

Peter Stallinga. Universidade do Algarve, 10 October 2002