No, we do not have
a political agenda. We are a non-profit science
This research gets funding from nobody!
IPCC Report Igor Khmelinskii
Below is the full report of
official IPCC Reviewer Igor Khmelinskii on his blog. Read it.
You will have a lot of fun.
After reading it, to you this question:
What will they do with his official report?
1) Ignore it? That proves they are selecting opinions.
Only pass those opinions that they like. So they are all
fraudsters, creating a false consensus.
2) Include it in the final report? Then they admit that fraud
has occurred, that such comments belong in the report.
3) Change the text? No, they can not. See his point 1.
4) Call him 'crazy'? Although his text may give grounds for
such an opinion (since it is 'unconventional' to say the
least), calling people crazy is a political tool to
remove dissidents from the stage, especially used in former
East-block countries.
- Peter
Stallinga (6/XII/2012)
As can be seen, Igor was included as an Expert Reviewer
(seemingly one who is endorsing the report)
- Peter Stallinga (17/X/2018)
IPCC Review report of Igor Khmelinskii (reproduced with
Follows the text of my expert
review, as submitted to the IPCC (Reviewer file: 721;
submission date: 2012-11-30; Reviewer ID: 1249).
- Legal Disclaimer. IPCC and/or any of its
bodies/subsidiaries will not use my name in the IPCC
documents and publications, unless they make the entire text
of the dissenting minority opinions expressed in my review
available to general public, the text of this Disclaimer
included. In no case will they mention me as a person who
had endorsed or otherwise approved the presently reviewed
Draft, unless fraudulent content is removed in the final
version of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report.
- This and the following Paragraphs, up to and including
Paragraph 8, refer to the entire Chapter 9. Chapter 9 is the
key part of the entire Report, as it is supposed to discuss
the climate models, which allegedly provide (the only
existing) material evidence that the warming observed in the
second half of the 20th century is caused by greenhouse
gases generated by humanity, which I will henceforth refer
to as the "Anthropogenic Global Warming" (AGW) hypothesis.
In fact, apart from models, there is no other way to
establish cause-and-effect relation between greenhouse gases
(most importantly, carbon dioxide) and climate, as we are
unable to perform well-controlled experiments on our climate
system. Interpretation of historic climate data does not
provide any alternative demonstration of such relation, as
any such interpretation is based on the same (wrong, as I
shall demonstrate) climate models, and thus amounts to
circular reasoning.
- The Scientific Method had been defined, for example, by
Richard Feynman (Feynman, Richard (1965), The Character of
Physical Law, Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, ISBN 0-262-56003-8.;
p. 156) as follows: "In general we look for a new law by the
following process. First we guess it. Then we compute the
consequences of the guess to see what would be implied if
this law that we guessed is right. Then we compare the
result of the computation to nature, with experiment or
experience; compare it directly with observation, to see if
it works. If it disagrees with experiment it is wrong." As a
consequence of this definition, a single piece of
contradictory evidence is sufficient to reject a hypothesis,
whereas no amount of corroborating evidence may prove or
confirm a hypothesis - by stating otherwise one would commit
a logical fallacy called "affirming the consequent/denying
the antecedent" (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy).
The logical fallacy of this Chapter is in making the
(implicit and ever present in the Report) statement that it
is the anthropogenically produced carbon dioxide that is
causing the global warming, based on the knowledge that
carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases affect climate to
some extent. In other words, they accept the AGW hypothesis
as final truth, without even trying to use the Scientific
Method and test the hypothesis. By doing that, this key
Chapter and the entire Report assume a non-scientific
dogmatic approach, as all of the previous Reports uniformly
do, which necessarily and inevitably produces non-scientific
(and, as I shall demonstrate, fraudulent) conclusions.
- In effect, Chapter 9 failed to address two key questions,
which must be addressed before one tries using the models
for understanding present and future climate: (1) Do the
models represent the physics of our terrestrial climate
system correctly? (with the emphasis on "correctly") (2)
Have the predictions made by these same (or slightly
modified) models five, ten or fifteen years ago become true?
These should be the questions to ask before one tries making
any climate predictions and/or policy recommendations based
on the models. I shall address these questions in paragraphs
5, 6, and 7, and 8, respectively.
- I will discuss only two of the publications that allow us
to reject the AGW hypothesis, although, according to
Paragraph 3, a single piece of contradictory evidence is
sufficient to reject a hypothesis. The first one is the
paper by Lindzen and Choi ("On the determination of climate
feedbacks from ERBE data", R. Lindzen, Y.-S. Choi, Geophys.
Res. Lett. 36, 2009, pp. L16705. doi:10.1029/2009GL039628.).
These authors demonstrate in their Fig. 2 and in the rest of
the paper that the IPCC climate models distort the essential
physics of the terrestrial climate system. Indeed, all of
the climate models produce a reduction in the outgoing
infra-red radiation upon an increase in surface temperature
on Earth, whereas the experimental results, extracted from
satellite data, evidence an increase in the outgoing
infra-red radiation, in the same conditions. Therefore, our
terrestrial climate system behaves as if it were in a stable
state of equilibrium: indeed, its behaviour corresponds to
the Le Chatelier's principle (the system always reacts to
any change in such a way that the externally imposed change
is partially compensated; see, for example,
whereas the climate models behave like an unstable system,
amplifying all and every temperature change. We therefore
see that the models that reproduce the conditions and
conclusions of the AGW hypothesis do so at the cost of
distorting essential physics of the terrestrial climate
system. Therefore, the AGW hypothesis is wrong, as it has
not been reproduced in models describing the climate physics
correctly. Moreover, the AGW hypothesis can not be
reproduced in models describing climate physics correctly,
as it is impossible to attribute the warming of the 20th
century to carbon dioxide based on correct models. The
important conclusion that necessarily and inevitably follows
from this paper is that the AGW hypothesis is wrong, as it
is only viable in the virtual reality of the IPCC climate
models, fundamentally different from the physical reality of
the terrestrial climate system.
- The second publication I will discuss is the one by
Khmelinskii and Stallinga (“Climate Change in the XXIst
Century: Mechanisms and Predictions”, I. Khmelinskii and P.
Stallinga, in Proceedings of the 6th IASME / WSEAS
International Conference on ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (EE
'11), Cambridge, UK, February 20-25, 2011, eds. Z. Bojkovic
Press, 2011, ISSN: 1792-8230; ISBN: 978-960-474-274-5, pp.
26-31. Available:
These authors in their Fig. 1 and in the text of the paper
analyze the recent history of the global average Sea Surface
Temperature (SST) and compare it to the recent history of
atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, in an attempt to
find the signature of the AGW in the SST data. In fact, they
could find no such signature, due to the fact that human
carbon dioxide emissions started growing exponentially in
the second half of the 20th century, whereas SST had two
(virtually identical) growth periods, one of which in the
first half of the 20th century, when little or no excess
carbon dioxide had been liberated into the atmosphere by
humanity. These authors therefore conclude that the AGW
hypothesis has to be rejected, based on the recent SST
history. Note that SST is a better indicator of the climate
evolution than the global average temperature, being
unaffected by interfering factors such as the Urban Heat
Island effect. The latter distorts climate data gathered on
the continents, with additional uncertainty introduced by
the corrections made to compensate for it.
- In Paragraphs 5 and 6 I discussed two papers, each of the
two providing sufficient grounds to reject the AGW
hypothesis. I shall not discuss any further evidence against
the AGW hypothesis, considering it rejected, according to
Feynman's definition presented in Paragraph 3. Additionally,
I conclude that the IPCC climate models are wrong, as they
obviously distort the essential climate physics, and
therefore any and all of their results and conclusions
should be expressly and unconditionally rejected and
disregarded in their entirety.
- It is well known that there has been no global warming for
the last 15 years, contrary to the IPCC predictions produced
by IPCC climate models for the same period of time.
Moreover, we have reasons to believe (see, for example, H.
Abdussamatov, 2008, The Sun defines the Climate,
that instead of the "global warming" we are in for a new
Little Ice Age, already in progress, which will be similar
to the Maunder minimum of solar activity as regards
temperatures and other climate-related consequences.
Therefore, the IPCC models have not (because they distort
climate physics) and will not (for the same reason, and also
because they neglect solar change) predict future climate,
and thus should be rejected and disregarded, as I have
obtained negative answers for the two key questions of
Paragraph 4.
- This paragraph refers to the entire Chapter 2. Chapter 2
reviews some of the published information on the topic
"Atmosphere and Surface". However, the motivation for the
reviewed research effort and the logic behind it is more
often fraudulent than not, as the respective research
frequently follows the pseudo-scientific reasoning that
"more corroborating evidence produces a stronger case for
the AGW hypothesis". In fact, nothing can be further from
the truth, as shown in my Paragraph 3. Indeed, no amount of
corroborating evidence can prove a hypothesis, while a
single piece of contradictory evidence is sufficient to
reject a hypothesis. In effect, the only (dubiously) useful
result of this research effort is the "general progress of
science", resulting from wasteful usage of public money on
climate studies, where no real problem requiring study may
be found. Even the PhD degrees earned as a result of such
research are of dubious (in the very least) value, as we are
producing more pseudo-scientists certified as scientists, in
addition to the already existing pseudo-scientists. Research
based on the AGW hypothesis, known to be wrong, may provide
no valid scientific results, as its conclusions are already
known before the research even began - these conclusions
being "AGW is happening, and we are to blame for it".
Additionally, the data interpretation in the publications is
frequently done based on the same climate models, which are
demonstrably wrong (as shown in my Paragraphs 2 to 8), and
therefore constitutes a fraud.
- This paragraph refers to the entire Chapter 3. Chapter 3
reviews some of the published information on the topic
"Ocean". However, the motivation for the reviewed research
effort and the logic behind it is more often fraudulent than
not, as the respective research frequently follows the
pseudo-scientific reasoning that "more corroborating
evidence produces a stronger case for the AGW hypothesis".
In fact, nothing can be further from the truth, as shown in
my Paragraph 3. Indeed, no amount of corroborating evidence
can prove a hypothesis, while a single piece of
contradictory evidence is sufficient to reject a hypothesis.
In effect, the only (dubiously) useful result of this
research effort is the "general progress of science",
resulting from wasteful usage of public money on climate
studies, where no real problem requiring study may be found.
Even the PhD degrees earned as a result of such research are
of dubious (in the very least) value, as we are producing
more pseudo-scientists certified as scientists, in addition
to the already existing pseudo-scientists. Research based on
the AGW hypothesis, known to be wrong, may provide no valid
scientific results, as its conclusions are already known
before the research even began - these conclusions being
"AGW is happening, and we are to blame for it".
Additionally, the data interpretation in the publications is
frequently done based on the same climate models, which are
demonstrably wrong (as shown in my Paragraphs 2 to 8), and
therefore constitutes a fraud.
- This paragraph refers to the entire Chapter 4. Chapter 4
reviews some of the published information on the topic
"Cryosphere". However, the motivation for the reviewed
research effort and the logic behind it is more often
fraudulent than not, as the respective research frequently
follows the pseudo-scientific reasoning that "more
corroborating evidence produces a stronger case for the AGW
hypothesis". In fact, nothing can be further from the truth,
as shown in my Paragraph 3. Indeed, no amount of
corroborating evidence can prove a hypothesis, while a
single piece of contradictory evidence is sufficient to
reject a hypothesis. In effect, the only (dubiously) useful
result of this research effort is the "general progress of
science", resulting from wasteful usage of public money on
climate studies, where no real problem requiring study may
be found. Even the PhD degrees earned as a result of such
research are of dubious (in the very least) value, as we are
producing more pseudo-scientists certified as scientists, in
addition to the already existing pseudo-scientists. Research
based on the AGW hypothesis, known to be wrong, may provide
no valid scientific results, as its conclusions are already
known before the research even began - these conclusions
being "AGW is happening, and we are to blame for it".
Additionally, the data interpretation in the publications is
frequently done based on the same climate models, which are
demonstrably wrong (as shown in my Paragraphs 2 to 8), and
therefore constitutes a fraud.
- This paragraph refers to the entire Chapter 5. Chapter 5
reviews some of the published information on the topic
"Paleoclimate Archives". However, the motivation for the
reviewed research effort and the logic behind it is more
often fraudulent than not, as the respective research
frequently follows the pseudo-scientific reasoning that
"more corroborating evidence produces a stronger case for
the AGW hypothesis". In fact, nothing can be further from
the truth, as shown in our my 3. Indeed, no amount of
corroborating evidence can prove a hypothesis, while a
single piece of contradictory evidence is sufficient to
reject a hypothesis. In effect, the only (dubiously) useful
result of this research effort is the "general progress of
science", resulting from wasteful usage of public money on
climate studies, where no real problem requiring study may
be found. Even the PhD degrees earned as a result of such
research are of dubious (in the very least) value, as we are
producing more pseudo-scientists certified as scientists, in
addition to the already existing pseudo-scientists. Research
based on the AGW hypothesis, known to be wrong, may provide
no valid scientific results, as its conclusions are already
known before the research even began - these conclusions
being "AGW is happening, and we are to blame for it".
Additionally, the data interpretation in the publications is
frequently done based on the same climate models, which are
demonstrably wrong (as shown in my Paragraphs 2 to 8), and
therefore constitutes a fraud.
- This paragraph refers to the entire Chapter 6. Chapter 6
reviews some of the published information on the topic
"Carbon and Other Biogeochemical Cycles". However, the
motivation for the reviewed research effort and the logic
behind it is more often fraudulent than not, as the
respective research frequently follows the pseudo-scientific
reasoning that "more corroborating evidence produces a
stronger case for the AGW hypothesis". In fact, nothing can
be further from the truth, as shown in my Paragraph 3.
Indeed, no amount of corroborating evidence can prove a
hypothesis, while a single piece of contradictory evidence
is sufficient to reject a hypothesis. In effect, the only
(dubiously) useful result of this research effort is the
"general progress of science", resulting from wasteful usage
of public money on climate studies, where no real problem
requiring study may be found. Even the PhD degrees earned as
a result of such research are of dubious (in the very least)
value, as we are producing more pseudo-scientists certified
as scientists, in addition to the already existing
pseudo-scientists. Research based on the AGW hypothesis,
known to be wrong, may provide no valid scientific results,
as its conclusions are already known before the research
even began - these conclusions being "AGW is happening, and
we are to blame for it". Additionally, the data
interpretation in the publications is frequently done based
on the same climate models, which are demonstrably wrong (as
shown in my Paragraphs 2 to 8), and therefore constitutes a
- This paragraph refers to the entire Chapter 7. Chapter 7
reviews some of the published information on the topic
"Clouds and Aerosols". However, the motivation for the
reviewed research effort and the logic behind it is more
often fraudulent than not, as the respective research
frequently follows the pseudo-scientific reasoning that
"more corroborating evidence produces a stronger case for
the AGW hypothesis". In fact, nothing can be further from
the truth, as shown in my Paragraph 3. Indeed, no amount of
corroborating evidence can prove a hypothesis, while a
single piece of contradictory evidence is sufficient to
reject a hypothesis. In effect, the only (dubiously) useful
result of this research effort is the "general progress of
science", resulting from wasteful usage of public money on
climate studies, where no real problem requiring study may
be found. Even the PhD degrees earned as a result of such
research are of dubious (in the very least) value, as we are
producing more pseudo-scientists certified as scientists, in
addition to the already existing pseudo-scientists. Research
based on the AGW hypothesis, known to be wrong, may provide
no valid scientific results, as its conclusions are already
known before the research even began - these conclusions
being "AGW is happening, and we are to blame for it".
Additionally, the data interpretation in the publications is
frequently done based on the same climate models, which are
demonstrably wrong (as shown in my Paragraphs 2 to 8), and
therefore constitutes a fraud.
- This paragraph refers to the entire Chapter 8. Chapter 8
reviews some of the published information on the topic
"Anthropogenic and Natural Radiative Forcing". However, the
motivation for the reviewed research effort and the logic
behind it is more often fraudulent than not, as the
respective research frequently follows the pseudo-scientific
reasoning that "more corroborating evidence produces a
stronger case for the AGW hypothesis". In fact, nothing can
be further from the truth, as shown in my Paragraph 3.
Indeed, no amount of corroborating evidence can prove a
hypothesis, while a single piece of contradictory evidence
is sufficient to reject a hypothesis. In effect, the only
(dubiously) useful result of this research effort is the
"general progress of science", resulting from wasteful usage
of public money on climate studies, where no real problem
requiring study may be found. Even the PhD degrees earned as
a result of such research are of dubious (in the very least)
value, as we are producing more pseudo-scientists certified
as scientists, in addition to the already existing
pseudo-scientists. Research based on the AGW hypothesis,
known to be wrong, may provide no valid scientific results,
as its conclusions are already known before the research
even began - these conclusions being "AGW is happening, and
we are to blame for it". Additionally, the data
interpretation in the publications is frequently done based
on the same climate models, which are demonstrably wrong (as
shown in my Paragraphs 2 to 8), and therefore constitutes a
- This paragraph refers to the entire Chapter 10. Chapter 10
reviews some of the published information on the topic
"Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to
Regional". However, the motivation for the reviewed research
effort and the logic behind it is more often fraudulent than
not, as the respective research frequently follows the
pseudo-scientific reasoning that "more corroborating
evidence produces a stronger case for the AGW hypothesis".
In fact, nothing can be further from the truth, as shown in
my Paragraph 3. Indeed, no amount of corroborating evidence
can prove a hypothesis, while a single piece of
contradictory evidence is sufficient to reject a hypothesis.
In effect, the only (dubiously) useful result of this
research effort is the "general progress of science",
resulting from wasteful usage of public money on climate
studies, where no real problem requiring study may be found.
Even the PhD degrees earned as a result of such research are
of dubious (in the very least) value, as we are producing
more pseudo-scientists certified as scientists, in addition
to the already existing pseudo-scientists. Research based on
the AGW hypothesis, known to be wrong, may provide no valid
scientific results, as its conclusions are already known
before the research even began - these conclusions being
"AGW is happening, and we are to blame for it".
Additionally, the data interpretation in the publications is
exclusively done based on the same climate models, which are
demonstrably wrong (as shown in my Paragraphs 2 to 8), and
therefore constitutes a fraud.
- This paragraph refers to the entire Chapter 11. Chapter 11
reviews some of the published information on the topic
"Near-term Climate Change: Projections and Predictability".
These projections and predictions are based exclusively on
the same IPCC climate models, which are demonstrably wrong
(as shown in my Paragraphs 2 to 8), and therefore constitute
a fraud.
- This paragraph refers to the entire Chapter 12. Chapter 12
reviews some of the published information on the topic
"Long-term Climate Change: Projections, Commitments and
Irreversibility". The projections, predictions and scenarios
discussed here are based exclusively on the same IPCC
climate models, which are demonstrably wrong (as shown in my
Paragraphs 2 to 8), and therefore constitute a fraud.
- This paragraph refers to the entire Chapter 13. Chapter 13
reviews some of the published information on the topic "Sea
Level Change". However, the motivation for the reviewed
research effort and the logic behind it is more often
fraudulent than not, as the respective research frequently
follows the pseudo-scientific reasoning that "more
corroborating evidence produces a stronger case for the AGW
hypothesis". In fact, nothing can be further from the truth,
as shown in my Paragraph 3. Indeed, no amount of
corroborating evidence can prove a hypothesis, while a
single piece of contradictory evidence is sufficient to
reject a hypothesis. In effect, the only (dubiously) useful
result of this research effort is the "general progress of
science", resulting from wasteful usage of public money on
climate studies, where no real problem requiring study may
be found. Even the PhD degrees earned as a result of such
research are of dubious (in the very least) value, as we are
producing more pseudo-scientists certified as scientists, in
addition to the already existing pseudo-scientists. Research
based on the AGW hypothesis, known to be wrong, may provide
no valid scientific results, as its conclusions are already
known before the research even began - these conclusions
being "AGW is happening, and we are to blame for it".
Additionally, data interpretation and projections,
predictions and scenarios are based exclusively on the same
IPCC climate models, which are demonstrably wrong (as shown
in my Paragraphs 2 to 8), and therefore constitute a fraud.
- This paragraph refers to the entire Chapter 14. Chapter 14
reviews some of the published information on the topic
"Climate Phenomena and their Relevance for Future Regional
Climate Change". However, the motivation for the reviewed
research effort and the logic behind it is more often
fraudulent than not, as the respective research frequently
follows the pseudo-scientific reasoning that "more
corroborating evidence produces a stronger case for the AGW
hypothesis". In fact, nothing can be further from the truth,
as shown in my Paragraph 3. Indeed, no amount of
corroborating evidence can prove a hypothesis, while a
single piece of contradictory evidence is sufficient to
reject a hypothesis. In effect, the only (dubiously) useful
result of this research effort is the "general progress of
science", resulting from wasteful usage of public money on
climate studies, where no real problem requiring study may
be found. Even the PhD degrees earned as a result of such
research are of dubious (in the very least) value, as we are
producing more pseudo-scientists certified as scientists, in
addition to the already existing pseudo-scientists. Research
based on the AGW hypothesis, known to be wrong, may provide
no valid scientific results, as its conclusions are already
known before the research even began - these conclusions
being "AGW is happening, and we are to blame for it".
Additionally, data interpretation and projections,
predictions and scenarios are based exclusively on the same
IPCC climate models, which are demonstrably wrong (as shown
in my Paragraphs 2 to 8), and therefore constitute a fraud.
- This paragraph refers to the entire "Summary for the
policy makers". As detailed above, the Report is built from
fraudulent pseudo-scientific constructs based on the AGW
dogma, containing no science. Therefore, any conclusions and
recommendations presented in this chapter have no scientific
backing, and should be expressly ignored. The corrected
Summary for policy makers should thus read "There is nothing
wrong with our climate. We have no climate problem, and need
no solutions for this climate problem. All of the currently
implemented solutions to the alleged climate problem should
be revoked, effective immediately. We are sorry for
defrauding the general public in the previous Reports we
have produced so far."
- This paragraph refers to the entire Report. As amply
demonstrated above, the current draft Report is a fraudulent
pseudo-scientific construct based on the AGW dogma, adopted
uncritically and never questioned. Its climate projections
and predictions have no scientific backing and can't be used
as a justification for any type of public policies.
Similarly, all of the public policies implemented as the
result of previous Reports have no scientific backing and
should be immediately and entirely revoked and discontinued.
- This paragraph refers to the entire Report. The body of
the research that the Report pseudo-scientifically presents
as "proof" of the AGW hypothesis is constituted by the
primary and direct fraud of the IPCC climate models and
general research approach, and by the secondary and indirect
fraud of the most of the remaining research that uses these
models in the interpretation of climate data, for climate
predictions, and in discussing development scenarios for the
humanity and for the natural systems. The only research that
may be valid as regards to facts (but never as regards their
interpretation, because the interpretation is based on
fundamentally wrong models) is the research studying current
consequences of the climate change. However, this research
is non-scientific in its motivation, aiming to provide
"proof" for the AGW hypothesis by presenting corroborating
evidence (which is a logically impossible task - see
Paragraph 3), and largely irrelevant. That because no action
humanity might feasibly take could revert the natural
phenomena that we are not the cause of in the first place.
The Report and the body of research it reviews are therefore
a waste of public funds and a scientific fraud.
- This paragraph refers to the entire report, containing
final notes for the reader who is not well-versed in the
philosophy of science, and should be read in conjunction
with all of the previous paragraphs of my Review. Note that
I did not need to read the entire draft Report, nor enter
into details of each Chapter, in order to understand whether
or not the Report is scientifically valid. This is because I
am able to produce the judgement of the fraudulent character
of this and other previous Climate Reports based on their
failure to implement the Scientific Method and question the
AGW hypothesis. The AGW hypothesis is commonly implemented
in the form of one or more climate models that are being
used to interpret current and past experimental results and
make predictions about future climate. In order to attribute
the recent global warming to greenhouse gas emissions, and
thus to human activities, these models have been
specifically tuned, by introducing positive climate
feedbacks. The draft Report discusses climate models in its
Chapter 9, therefore Chapter 9 would be the logical place to
implement the Scientific Method and question the validity of
the climate models and thus the validity of the AGW
hypothesis. Reading through Chapter 9 and its list of
references, I find that no such questioning had been done,
and no papers that question the validity of climate models
have been discussed. By failing to implement the Scientific
Method, the authors of Chapter 9 have confirmed their status
of pseudo-scientists, having transformed their Chapter into
an exercise in dogmatic propaganda. Its fraudulent character
is evident from the ease with which these authors could have
rejected the AGW hypothesis, same as I had in the present
Review. Thus, based on the fraudulent science of Chapter 9,
the entire Climate Report looses any connection to the
objective reality, becoming a pseudo-scientific construct
based on the AGW dogma. Indeed, there may be no Science if
one chooses to ignore the Scientific Method, as the Report
authors do. Without the Scientific Method, they are limited
to the pseudo-scientific and logically faulty search of
evidence that "confirms" their AGW hypothesis, stalling the
scientific progress and insulting the general public in
their expectations of obtaining scientifically valid climate
predictions, instead of the climate fraud that over the
years of its existence has been, and now once more is being,
produced by the IPCC.
For more information, contact me at The University of The
Prof. Peter Stallinga