
Road Map summary
We take a look at how computer architecture
is placed in the tree of knowledge

Digital Systems Summary 1/3
A summary of the block of lectures above

Digital Systems Summary 2/3 |
A summary of the block of lectures above

Digital Systems Summary 3/3 |
A summary of the block of lectures above
Half adders and full adders as the
cornerstone of computer calculations

Ripple-carry adder
Ripple-carry adder. How to make an n-bit
adder from full adders. And how to turn an adder into a
subtractor |

Carry-look-ahead adder
To improve speed of calculation, instead
of 32 full adders in a ripple-carry adder, we will use 8
carry-look-ahead adders of 4 bits |

Left/right Shift
How a left/right 1-bit shifter is made |

A multiplexer (MUX) and demultiplexer

A coder and a decoder |

A 4-bit comparator: A=B, A<B and A>B

Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
A look at the Arithmetic and Logic Unit
(ALU) |

Central Processing Unit (CPU)
A close look at a Central Processing Unit
(CPU) |

Control Logic
How does the control logic work inside a

Russian-peasant algorithm |
How to go from addition hardware to a
multiplication algorithm. The Russian-peasant algorithm |

A shift-compare-subtract algorithm to do
divisions with simple hardware

Some advanced multiplication techniques.
Karatsuba algorithm (dividing large 2m bit numbers into 2
m bit numbers and doing the multiplication with them) and
the look-up-table algorithm, in fact done with only a
table of squares
Static/dynamic RAM
How a basic memory (RAM) chip works
Combining memory chips
How to join memory chips to have larger
memory size.
The philosophical/physical aspects of
information. About the amount of information when
receiving a message and the entropy of a message before
sending it.
Physical memory organization
The physical organization of memory
Memory (Software aspects 1/4)
How is the memory in a computer organized
Endianness (Little endian vs. Big endian)
Memory (Software aspects 2/4)
More logic aspects of memory organization
are presented. Heap vs. stack. Recursivity. Garbage
collection. Global pointer, frame pointer.
Memory (Software aspects 3/4)
More aspects of memory organization.
Paging. Virtual memory. Memory management unit (MMU).
Assembly addressing methods
Memory (Software aspects 4/4). Overlays
Memory overlays
Memory: ROM
How ROM (read-only memory) is made and it
is compared to static and dynamic RAM
BIOS and bootstrapping
About the BIOS and how it can bootstrap the
computer into action
Buses and motherboards
How does the CPU communicate with other
components? Here we will see the hierarchy of
communication buses. We'll also take a look where all the
components are on a Motherboard
We will see here how in communication
bit-errors can be avoided by hardware and software.
hardware: twisted pair. Software: parity checking and
forward-error correction (FEC) using Hamming 7.4 coding
Floating point IEEE 754 (1/4)
How do we represent real numbers on a
computer? In comparison to integer numbers.
Floating point IEEE 754 (2/4)
With a limited number of digits, what are
the ranges and precision of the numbers?
Floating point IEEE 754 (3/4)
The IEEE 754 standard. How floating point
numbers are represented in 32 bit (single) and 64 bit
(double). Normalized and denormalized numbers. Fractions
and significands. Exponent, excess-127
Floating point (4/4). Divisions
How multiplications and divisions are done
on a computer. Divisions consists of finding the
reciprocal of the denominator
Floating point: Newton Raphson method
How to implement other mathematical
Here we will see how to use the method of Newton-Raphson
to find the square root of an argument.
Architecture examples
A list of items to take into consideration
when analyzing a computer architecture
Difference Engine
A close look at how the Difference Engine
of Charles Babbage looked (beginning of 19th century)
Intel 4004
A short summary of the Intel 4004
processor. Bad sound!!!
Intel 4004 (addendum)
Some extra features of the Intel 4004
processor described
Intel 4004 (1/2)
A short summary of the Intel 4004 processor
MOS 65xx (1/2)
It was used in the first Apple computers
and the famous Commodore C=64, but how does the MOS 65xx
family of CPUs work?
MOS 65xx (2/2)
How a 65xx Assembly instruction is
constructed and translated into machine code
VICE C=64 emulator and Merlin Assembler
A C=64 emulator running an assembler to
write programs in 6510 Assembly (Merlin)
x86 (1/2)
A look at the Intel x86 family of
x86 (2/2)
A look at the Intel x86 family of
AVR Atmel (Arduino)
A close look at the AVR Atmel used in for
instance the Arduino platform
AVR Assembly
How to write AVR Assembly and upload it to
an AVR processor in an Arduino board. We will use the avra
assembler to translate our code and the avrdude program to
upload it to our processor
x86 Assembly Hello World (1/3): NASM
How to use the NASM compiler to write an
x86 Assembly program to print "Hello World" using system
calls and interrupts (0x80)
x86 Hello World (2/3): AS
How to use the AS compiler to write an x86
Assembly program to print "Hello World!" using interrupts
x86 Assembly: Hello World (3/3): printf
How to use libraries from other languages
in x86 Assembly. More specifically, how to use printf to
output strings and integers
x86 in-line Assembly in C
How to use in-line x86 Assembly in C code
Quantum computing
What is quantum computing and how does it
Asynchronous computing. The brain
The difference between synchronous and
asynchronous computing. An example how the brain works and
comparing it to the state-of-the-art Summit computer. Can
it pass a Turing test?